|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]张电吉,杨丹丹,吝曼卿,等.磷块岩地下开采的岩爆机理及处理对策[J].武汉工程大学学报,2017,39(06):571-575.[doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1674?2869. 2017. 06. 008]
 ZHANG Dianji,YANG Dandan,LIN Manqing,et al.Rock Burst Mechanism and Treatment Strategy of Phosphorite Underground Mining[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2017,39(06):571-575.[doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1674?2869. 2017. 06. 008]





Rock Burst Mechanism and Treatment Strategy of Phosphorite Underground Mining
1674 - 2869(2017)06 - 0571 - 05
张电吉1杨丹丹1吝曼卿12习本军2倪小山2张卫中12潘 登1
1. 武汉工程大学 磷工程中心,湖北 武汉 430074;2. 湖北兴发化工集团股份有限公司,湖北 宜昌 443700
ZHANG Dianji1YANG Dandan1 LIN Manqing12 XI Benjun2 NI Xiaoshan2ZHANG Weizhong12 PAN Deng1
1. Phosphorous Engineering Center, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430074, China; 2. Hubei XINGFA Chemicals Group Co., LTD, Yichang 443700, China
phosphorite high in-situ stress stope roof micro-crack rock-burst control
10. 3969/j. issn. 1674?2869. 2017. 06. 008
中国某磷块岩矿床地下开采过程中,采场顶板及巷道有明显的岩爆现象发生. 通过现场岩爆的实地调查,了解现场岩爆的发生频度及发生规律,在岩爆区域现场采样进行室内微观实验分析,发现磷块岩宏观力学行为很大程度上符合其微观结构构造和矿物组成的微观力学行为,微观裂纹试验发现磷块岩晶界弱面为白云石与胶磷矿之间的接触晶界. 现场研究发现,岩爆多发生在爆破后环境干燥的区域,且多发矿段为白云石含量较高的岩层. 提出了岩爆的产生判据,并给出了岩爆的防治对策.
Remarkable rock burst occurred in the roof and roadway of a stope during underground mining phosphate rock deposits in China. The occurrence frequency and regularity of rock burst at site were investigated through the field investigation of site rock burst. Site sampling and the microscopic experimental were carried out in the area of rock burst. It was found that to a large extent, the macro mechanical behavior of phosphorite was in good agreement with micro-structure configuration and micro-mechanical behavior of mineral composition. The microscopic crack test demonstrated that the weak boundary of the phosphate rock grain boundary was the interface between dolomite and phosphate rock. The site-investigation found that rock burst occurred mostly in the area where the environment is dry after blasting and the dolomite content is high in rock strata. The criterion and the prevention strategies of rock-burst were finally proposed.


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 LI Yan,HUANG You liang,QIAO Xiao feng,et al.Experimental research on phosphorite processing of Hubei Province[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2011,(06):45.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.16742869.2011.03.013]
 ZHANG Dian ji,ZHOU Chun mei,MEI Ting ting,et al.Destruction mechanism study of phosphorite in underground mining[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2011,(06):69.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.16742869.2011.03.020]
 CHEN Nan hua.A new type of phosphate reverse flotation collector K04[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2011,(06):72.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.16742869.2011.03.021]
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 TU Li,ZHANG Dianji*,PAN Deng,et al.Failure Characteristics and Laws of Acoustic Emission for Phosphorite Under Triaxial Loading[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2017,39(06):616.[doi:3969/j. issn. 1674?2869. 2017. 06. 016]


收稿日期:2017-10-17基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51474159,51504167)作者简介:张电吉,博士,教授,博士研究生导师. E- mail:dianjizhang@wit.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2018-01-04