|本期目录/Table of Contents|

 ZHU Dao xue,ZHANG Rui,CHEN Jin fang.Progress in chemical transfer process by visualization technique[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2011,(06):1-5.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.16742869.2011.06.001]





Progress in chemical transfer process by visualization technique
湖北省新型反应器与绿色化学工艺学工艺重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430074
ZHU DaoxueZHANG RuiCHEN Jinfang
School of Chemical Engineering and Pharmacy, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Hubei Key Lab of
Novel Chemical Reactor and Green Chemical Technology, Key Laboratory of Green Chemical
Process of Ministry of Education, Wuhan 430074,China
visualization transfer process interface
Laserinduced fluorescence, fluorescence microscopy and schlieren method at this stage of the transfer process and other domestic and foreign research methods were overviewed. The recent progress and application in practice for visualization technique used in interface transfer process were introduced. The practical application and theory for studying interface mass transfer theory in chemical transfer process by our group using optical microscopy and digital image visualization was described. These visualization methods were discussed. Finally, the future prospect of studying transfer process by visualization technique and the development trends of showing transfer theory from submicrocosmic condition were outlined.


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收稿日期:20110530基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.20876118)作者简介:朱道学(1988),男,湖北仙桃人,硕士研究生. 研究方向:化学工艺.指导老师:陈金芳,教授,硕士研究生导师. 研究方向:化学工艺. *通信联系人第33卷第6期2011年06月武汉工程大学学报J.WuhanInst.Tech.Vol.33No.6Jun.2011
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