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 FENG Jian bo.Removal of Congo red in water by magnetic activated carbon/cellulose microspheres[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2014,(10):17-21.[doi:103969/jissn167428692014010004]





Removal of Congo red in water by magnetic activated carbon/cellulose microspheres
湖北轻工职业技术学院,湖北 武汉430070
FENG Jianbo
Hubei Light Industry Technology Institute, Wuhan 430070, China
cellulose magnetic nanoparticles activated carbon adsorption Congo red.
为了开发高效的可生物降解的高效染料吸附剂,采用氢氧化钠/尿素水溶液在低温下直接溶解纤维素,加入活性炭和磁性纳米粉末,通过直接滴落法制备磁性的纤维素微球,研究了吸附剂用量、刚果红溶液pH 值、初始浓度、吸附时间、温度等因素对吸附剂吸附刚果红的影响.结果表明:湿态吸附剂在实验用刚果红量时合适的用量是25 g; 微球对刚果红的脱除率在20 min内时基本达到吸附平衡;溶液pH=7.50 时,微球对刚果红的脱除率达到96.4%;温度对吸附效果有较大的影响,在40 ℃时效果最好;微球对刚果红的吸附形为可以用Langmuir和Freundlich等温吸附方程描述,吸附为物理吸附和化学吸附的综合过程.
To develop high effective adsorbents for removal of dyes, the magnetic nanoparticles and activated carbon powders were embedded in cellulose matrix to fabricate a bioadsorbent. The effects of dosage of microspheres,initial concentration of Congo red, pH, time and temperature on the removal rate of Congo red were studied. Results show that the dosage of wet adsorbent with Congo red adsorption is 25 g; the adsorption reaches equilibrium in 20 minutes; removal rate of Congo red reaches 96.4% at pH of 7.50 at the room temperature; temperature has a greater influence on the adsorption process, which is best at 40 ℃.The isothermal adsorption behavior of magnetic cellulose composite microspheres on Congo red can be described by Langmuir and Freundlich equation, and the adsorption process is physical adsorption and chemical adsorption.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2014-11-20