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 HE Jia\|sheng,WU Qi,WANG Yan\|xin,et al.Stress analysis of reinforcing structure of opening in in\|service natural gas pipelines[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2013,(08):57-9.





Stress analysis of reinforcing structure of opening in in\|service natural gas pipelines
1.武汉工程大学机电工程学院,湖北 武汉 430074;2.武汉市天然气有限公司,湖北 武汉 430022
HE Jia\|sheng1 WU Qi1 WANG Yan\|xin2 XIAO Song2 SHAO Xiao\|lan2NIE Long\|mei2 WEI Wei1 LI Chao1CHEN Xing\|liang1
1.School of Mechanical and Electric Engineering, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430074, China; 2. Wuhan Natural Gas Company Limited, Wuhan 430022, China
in\|service gas opening finite element method reinforcing stress analysis
为了探讨天然气管道带气开孔特殊开孔补强结构受压后的应力情况,利用有限元分析软件对天然气管道带气开孔5种模型进行了有限元建模及应力场分析.5种模型分别为整补、方补、仅焊支管、先焊支管再焊圆形补强圈和先焊支管再焊方形补强片.分析结果显示:整补和方补最大应力位于接管与补强片连接拐角处,其他3种模型最大应力位于主管开孔边缘下表面拐角处;在支管直径与主管直径之比为2/3,管内压力为0.6 MPa时,5种模型的最大应力分别为53.324 MPa、52.878 MPa、59.006 MPa、48.662 MPa和34.806 MPa.对于20号钢和Q235材料,补强结构受压后符合强度要求.整补和方补最大应力相差不足1 MPa,整补模型的下半瓦片对开孔接管处的补强效果不明显,一般情况下采用方补即可;而先焊支管再焊补强件较整补和方补,最大应力下降较多,补强效果较好;先焊支管再焊方形补强片的补强效果最好,建议在带气开孔中采用此方式.
To study the stress of special reinforcing structure, finite element model and stress field analysis of the five models of in\|service natural gas opening were done by the use of ANSYS software. Five models are all\|ring, half\|ring, only branch pipe directed welded(OBP), branch pipe directed welded on main pipe and circular reinforcing sheet(BPC), branch pipe directed welded and square reinforcing sheet(BPS). The analysis results show that the biggest stress position of all\|ring and half\|ring is located in the joint corner of the branch pipe and the reinforcing sheet, while the other three models in the corner of lower surface of the hole edge on main pipe. In the situation of the ratio of branch pipe diameter and main pipe diameter is two\|thirds and the pressure inside the pipe is 0.6 MPa, the biggest stresses of the five models are 53.324 MPa, 52.878 MPa, 59.006 MPa, 48.662 MPa, 34.806 MPa respectively. The reinforcing structure of NO.20 steel and Q235 meets the strength requirement under the pressure. And we can know that the reinforcing effect of the sheet from lower half of all\|ring on the opening is not obvious as the difference between the biggest stresses of all\|ring and half\|ring is less than 1 MPa, so the model of half\|ring should be used under the normal circumstances. In comparison to all\|ring and half\|ring,the biggest stresses of reinforcing forms based on reinforcing sheet welded after branch pipe welded drop sharply,which has the better reinforcing effect; the reinforcing forms of BPS is suggested to apply to in\|service gas opening for the best reinforcing effect.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2013-09-07