|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]许毓涵,王春林,李 杏*.微塑料及光伏对池塘温室气体产生和排放的影响[J].武汉工程大学学报,2024,46(03):291-298.[doi:10.19843/j.cnki.CN42-1779/TQ.202305023]
 XU Yuhan,WANG Chunlin,LI Xing*.Effects of microplastics and photovoltaics on greenhouse gas generation and emission in ponds[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2024,46(03):291-298.[doi:10.19843/j.cnki.CN42-1779/TQ.202305023]





Effects of microplastics and photovoltaics on greenhouse gas generation and emission in ponds
1674 - 2869(2024)03 - 0291 - 08
许毓涵王春林李 杏*
武汉工程大学环境生态与生物工程学院,湖北 武汉 430205
XU Yuhan WANG Chunlin LI Xing*
School of Environmental Ecology and Biological Engineering, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430205, China
microplastic floating photovoltaic greenhouse gas pond
池塘是重要的温室气体排放源,而水上光伏覆盖和微塑料等人为影响对池塘温室气体排放的影响仍不清楚,通过设计遮光和添加聚乙烯(PE)微塑料(MPs)的双因素实验室培养实验,研究其对池塘温室气体产生及排放的影响机制。结果表明:MPs对池塘CO2的产生无明显影响,这可能是由于试验选择的MPs难以被微生物降解利用。而遮光处理促进CO2产生,遮光组CO2浓度均值最高,为101.39 μmol/L,约为对照组的1.5倍。MPs的添加促进了N2O的产生,并随着培养时间而增强,例如MPs组的N2O浓度均值为57.76 nmol/L,而对照组的浓度均值为39.65 nmol/L。遮光处理对N2O的产生表现为中期抑制,后期促进。MPs对CH4的浓度影响较小,遮光处理对其产生较大影响。综上,池塘中难降解MPs的逐渐富集将进一步加剧N2O的排放,水上光伏的遮光效应将加剧CO2和N2O的排放,而二者对CH4排放的负面影响较小。为水上光伏和MPs对池塘生态系统的温室气体排放核算提供理论和数据依据。

Ponds are a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions. However, the effects of human activities such as the presence of photovoltaic panels on water surfaces and microplastics on greenhouse gas emission in ponds remain unclear. In this study, a dual-factor laboratory experiment was designed to investigate the mechanisms behind the impact of shading and the addition of polyethylene (PE) microplastics on greenhouse gas generation and emission in ponds. The results showed that microplastics had no significant effect on CO2 production in ponds, because the PE was difficult for microorganisms to degrade. On the other hand, shading treatment promoted CO2 production, with the highest average concentration of 101.39 μmol/L in the shaded group. The addition of microplastics facilitated N2O production, which increased over time. The average N2O concentration in the microplastic group was 57.76 nmol/L, while it was 39.65 nmol/L in the control group. The shading treatment initially suppressed N2O production but later promoted it. Microplastics had minimal influence on CH4 concentration, whereas shading treatment had a significant impact. Overall, the gradual accumulation of non-degradable microplastics in ponds intensifies N2O emissions, while the shading effect of photovoltaics on water surfaces increases CO2 and N2O emission. However, both factors have a minimal negative impact on CH4 emission.


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*通信作者:李 杏,博士,副教授。Email:18079102@wit.edu.cn
引文格式:许毓涵,王春林,李杏. 微塑料及光伏对池塘温室气体产生和排放的影响[J]. 武汉工程大学学报,2024,46(3):291-298.

更新日期/Last Update: 2024-07-02