|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]黎 华,许 硕,樊烨明,等.NaLuF4:Nd3+@ NaLuF4荧光粉的制备及光学性能[J].武汉工程大学学报,2022,44(01):55-59.[doi:10.19843/j.cnki.CN42-1779/TQ.202011020]
 LI Hua,XU Shuo,FAN Yeming,et al.Preparation and Optical Properties of NaLuF4:Nd3+@ NaLuF4 Nanophosphor[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2022,44(01):55-59.[doi:10.19843/j.cnki.CN42-1779/TQ.202011020]

NaLuF4:Nd3+@ NaLuF4荧光粉的制备及光学性能(/HTML)




Preparation and Optical Properties of NaLuF4:Nd3+@ NaLuF4 Nanophosphor
1674 - 2869(2022)01 - 0055 - 05
黎 华许 硕樊烨明陈 洋徐 慢戴武斌*
武汉工程大学材料科学与工程学院,湖北 武汉 430205
LI HuaXU ShuoFAN YemingCHEN YangXU ManDAI Wubin*
School of Materials Science and Engineering,Wuhan Institute of Technology,Wuhan 430205, China
metal organic pyrolysis phosphor optical properties core-shell structure biological imaging
采用金属有机热解法制备了系列NaLuF4:x%Nd荧光粉,并通过在表面包覆NaLuF4形成NaLuF4:x%Nd@NaLuF4核壳结构。通过X射线衍射、透射电子显微镜、激光粒度仪、荧光分光光度计分析了荧光粉的晶体结构、形貌尺寸及光学性能。结果表明Nd3+成功掺杂进NaLuF4基质中,且未改变基质的晶体结构,得到的NaLuF4:1%Nd荧光粉为粒径约10 nm的球状纳米材料。Nd3+的掺杂量为1%时荧光粉的发光强度最大,在此基础上包覆NaLuF4形成核壳结构荧光粉。与未包覆NaLuF4层的荧光粉相比,NaLuF4:1%Nd@NaLuF4核壳结构的发光强度明显增强。使用噻唑蓝比色法进行细胞毒性测定,细胞的整体活力在90%以上,表明该纳米荧光粉毒性较低,生物相容性好。NaLuF4:1%Nd@ NaLuF4荧光粉具有优异的光学性能,在生物成像领域具有潜在应用。
A series of NaLuF4:x%Nd phosphors were prepared by metal organic pyrolysis method,and NaLuF4:x%Nd@NaLuF4 core-shell structure was formed by coating NaLuF4 on the surface. X-ray diffraction,transmission electron microscope,laser diffraction particle size analyzer,and fluorescence spectrophotometer were used to analyze the crystal structure,morphology and optical properties of the phosphor. The results show that Nd3+ is successfully doped into the NaLuF4 matrix without changing the crystal structure of the matrix. The obtained NaLuF4:1%Nd phosphor is a spherical nanomaterial with a particle diameter of about 10 nm. When the doping amount of Nd3+ is 1%,the luminescence intensity of the phosphor is the highest. On this basis,NaLuF4 is coated to form a core-shell structure phosphor. Compared with the uncoated NaLuF4 phosphor,the luminous intensity of the core-shell structure of NaLuF4:1%Nd@NaLuF4 is significantly enhanced. The methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium assay showed that the overall viability of cells is over 90%,indicating that the nano-fluorescent powder has low toxicity and good biocompatibility. The NaLuF4:1%Nd@NaLuF4 phosphor exhibits excellent optical properties and has potential applications in the field of biological imaging.


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收稿日期:2020-11-16基金项目:湖北省自然科学基金青年项目(18S020);湖北省教育厅科学技术研究计划项目(18S069);武汉工程大学博士启动基金(16QD28)作者简介:黎 华,硕士研究生。E-mail: hua.li@stu.wit.edu.cn*通讯作者:戴武斌,博士,特聘教授。E-mail: wubin.dai@wit.edu.cn引文格式:黎华,许硕,樊烨明,等. NaLuF4:Nd3+@ NaLuF4荧光粉的制备及光学性能[J]. 武汉工程大学学报,2022,44(1):55-59.
更新日期/Last Update: 2022-03-01