|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]张 欢,王 飞,陈珠玉,等.银纳米线复合柔性透明电极的制备与表征[J].武汉工程大学学报,2021,43(03):294-299.[doi:10.19843/j.cnki.CN42-1779/TQ.202008022]
 ZHANG Huan,WANG Fei,CHEN Zhuyu,et al.Preparation and Characteristics of Composite Flexible Transparent Electrodes of Silver Nanowires[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2021,43(03):294-299.[doi:10.19843/j.cnki.CN42-1779/TQ.202008022]





Preparation and Characteristics of Composite Flexible Transparent Electrodes of Silver Nanowires
1674 - 2869(2021)03 - 0294 - 06
张 欢王 飞陈珠玉吴远帅彭铭宇张 琪王乐刚石胜伟*
武汉工程大学材料科学与工程学院,湖北 武汉 430205
ZHANG HuanWANG FeiCHEN ZhuyuWU YuanshuaiPENG MingyuZHANG QiWAND LegangSHI Shengwei*
School of Materials Science and Engineering,Wuhan Institute of Technology,Wuhan 430205,China
silver nanowiresgraphene oxidesheet resistancelight transmittanceenvironmental stabilitymechanical flexibility
为了改善银纳米线(AgNWs)柔性透明电极的环境稳定性和机械柔韧性,首先通过溶剂超声、紫外-臭氧照射对衬底表面进行预处理;然后在柔性衬底上,通过旋涂与热处理制备出氧化石墨烯、银纳米线、氧化石墨烯三层复合柔性透明电极。研究结果表明,最优条件下制备出的复合柔性透明电极表面电阻为9.05 Ω,透光率为91%。此外,将复合柔性透明电极放置在大气环境中30 d,复合柔性透明电极表面电阻变化率小于0.4;将复合柔性透明电极在弯曲半径为0.5 cm、弯曲角度为180°条件下弯曲200次,复合柔性透明电极表面电阻变化率小于1.2。该复合柔性透明电极有效地改善了AgNWs电极的导电性、透光性与成膜性,并且具备良好的机械柔韧性与环境稳定性。
To improve the environmental stability and mechanical flexibility of flexible transparent electrode (FTE) of silver nanowires (AgNWs),the surface of flexible subsrtate was firstly pretreated by solvent ultrasonic and ultraviolet-ozone irradiation. Then,the composite FTE of graphene oxide/AgNWs/graphene oxide was fabricated by spin-coating and thermal treatment on flexible substrate. The result shows that the prepared composite FTE has the sheet resistance of 9.05 Ω and the light transmittance of 91% under optimal conditions. In addition,the change rate of the sheet resistance of the composite FTE is lower than 0.4 when it is placed in the atmosphere for 30 d and it is lower than 1.2 when it is bent 200 times with radius of 0.5 cm and angle of 180°. The composite FTE can effectively improve the conductivity,transmittance and film-forming of AgNWs electrode,and shows excellent mechanical flexibility and environmental stability.


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收稿日期:2020-08-21基金项目:湖北省自然科学基金(2019CFC862);发光材料与器件国家重点实验室开放基金(2019-skllmd-14);武汉工程大学第十五期大学生校长基金(XZJJ2020063)作者简介:张 欢,硕士研究生。E-mail:865611516@qq.com*通讯作者:石胜伟,博士,特聘教授。E-mail:shisw@wit.edu.cn引文格式:张欢,王飞,陈珠玉,等.银纳米线复合柔性透明电极的制备与表征[J]. 武汉工程大学学报,2021,43(3):294-299.
更新日期/Last Update: 2021-06-28