|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]邓泉荣,李义奇,陈 恋,等.ZnO/Cu2O光伏器件性能的模拟研究[J].武汉工程大学学报,2017,39(02):158-163.[doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1674?2869. 2017. 02. 010]
 DENG Quanrong,LI Yiqi,CHEN Lian,et al.Simulation Study on Performance of ZnO/Cu2O Photovoltaic Devices[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2017,39(02):158-163.[doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1674?2869. 2017. 02. 010]





Simulation Study on Performance of ZnO/Cu2O Photovoltaic Devices
邓泉荣12李义奇1陈 恋1王升高1
1. 等离子体化学与新材料湖北省重点实验室(武汉工程大学),湖北 武汉 430205;2. 河南省低碳及环境材料国际联合实验室(郑州大学),河南 郑州 450001
DENG Quanrong12 LI Yiqi1 CHEN Lian1 WANG Shenggao1
1.Hubei Key Laboratory of Plasma Chemical and Advanced Materials(Wuhan Institute of Technology), Wuhan 430205, China;2. International Centre for Designer Low-Carbon and Environmental Materials(Zhengzhou University), Zhengzhou 450001,China
analysis of microelectronic and photonic structures-one dimensional
10. 3969/j. issn. 1674?2869. 2017. 02. 010
为进一步理解n-ZnO/p-Cu2O异质结光伏器件内部运行机制和影响器件光电效率的主要因素,利用AMPS-1D光伏器件模拟软件对ZnO/Cu2O异质结器件的光伏性能进行模拟计算研究. 通过调节ZnO厚度与施主浓度、Cu2O厚度与受主浓度、背电极金属功函数对器件的输出性能进行计算和分析. 结果表明,在ZnO施主浓度为1×1019 cm-3,厚度为200 nm,Cu2O受主浓度为1×1019 cm-3,厚度为9 500 nm,背电极的功函数高于4.8 eV时,器件光电转化效率高达16.9%. 通过在Cu2O中增加体缺陷及在ZnO/Cu2O界面处增加界面缺陷,计算和分析缺陷对器件性能的影响. 当Cu2O层体缺陷浓度高于1×1017 cm-3或界面缺陷浓度高于1×1012 cm-2时,器件的光电转化效率严重衰减,说明降低Cu2O体缺陷及界面缺陷是提高器件效率的关键.
To explore the working mechanism and the main factors on the power conversion efficiency of n-ZnO/p-Cu2O heterojunction photovoltaic devices,we simulated the photovoltaic performance of ZnO/Cu2O heterojunction devices by using Analysis of Microelectronic and Photonic Structures-one Dimensional software.The devices performances were systematically analyzed through adjusting the thickness and donor number density of ZnO, the thickness and acceptor number density of Cu2O, as well as the back electrode work function. The results reveal that the power conversion efficiency of the optimized devices can reach 16.9% when the thickness and donor number density of ZnO are 200 nm and 1×1019 cm-3, the thickness and acceptor number density of Cu2O are 9 500 nm and 1×1019 cm-3 respectively, and the back electrode work function is higher than 4.8 eV. The influences of defects on devices performance were also analyzed by adding body defects in Cu2O and interface defects at ZnO/Cu2O interface. The conversion efficiency will deteriorate rapidly when the body defect density of Cu2O is more than 1×1017 cm-3 or the interface defect density is more than 1×1012 cm-2. Thus it is extremely important to decrease body defects of Cu2O and treat interface defects to achieve high conversion efficiency.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2017-04-25