|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]李大星,魏化中*,陶芳泽,等.基于有限元的长管拖车气瓶瓶肩结构分析[J].武汉工程大学学报,2016,38(06):605-610.[doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1674-2869. 2016. 06. 017]
 LI Daxing,WEI Huazhong *,TAO Fangze,et al.Analysis of Shoulders Structure for Tube Trailer Gas Cylinder Based on ANSYS[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2016,38(06):605-610.[doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1674-2869. 2016. 06. 017]





Analysis of Shoulders Structure for Tube Trailer Gas Cylinder Based on ANSYS
李大星1魏化中1*陶芳泽2吴 斌1高 宏1
1. 武汉工程大学机电工程学院,湖北 武汉 430205; 2. 中国特种设备检测研究院,北京 100029
LI Daxing 1WEI Huazhong 1*TAO Fangze 2WU Bin 1GAO Hong 1
1. School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430205, China; 2. China Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute, Beijing 100029, China
ANSYS tube trailer gas cylinder ring convex structure stress state
10. 3969/j. issn. 1674-2869. 2016. 06. 017
为了改善长管拖车气瓶瓶肩的受力状态,尝试在长管拖车气瓶瓶肩添加一种矩形环凸形结构,运用ANSYS软件分别模拟了环凸形结构离肩距为10 mm~55 mm、长度为40 mm~130 mm、宽度为6 mm~24 mm范围内的最大位移、最大等效应力和最大轴向应力,最后与长管拖车气瓶瓶肩不添加环凸形结构的结果对比分析. 结果表明:长管拖车气瓶瓶肩添加环凸形结构可以改善气瓶的受力状态,减小最大位移大约3.3%,最大等效应力大约10%,最大轴向应力大约5%,气瓶受力状态与环凸形结构位置、长度和宽度大致呈线性关系,这种设计为长管拖车气瓶的优化设计提供了参考.
To improve the stress state of tube trailer gas cylinder, we added a kind of rectangular ring convex structure on the shoulders of tube trailer gas cylinder and used ANSYS software to simulate respectively the maximum displacement, maximum von Mises stress and maximum axial stress, for the ring convex structure at shoulder distance of 10 mm-55 mm, length of 40 mm-130 mm, and width of 6 mm-24 mm. Finally we comparatively analyzed the results with that without ring convex structure. The study shows that adding ring convex structure can improve the stress states and decrease maximum displacement about 3.3%, maximum von Mises stress about 10% and maximum axial about 5%, and the linear relationship between stress state of gas cylinder and position, length and width of ring convex structure is also demonstrated. This design provides a reference for optimum designing of tube trailer gas cylinder.


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