|±¾ÆÚĿ¼/Table of Contents|

[1]ФÓÀÇ¿,Íõº£êÍ*,Áõ°ÂÀö,µÈ.˫ĿʵʱĿ±êÈýά²âÁ¿ÊµÏÖ·½·¨µÄÑо¿[J].Î人¹¤³Ì´óѧѧ±¨,2016,38(4):386-393.[doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1674?2869. 2016. 04. 014]
¡¡XIAO Yongqiang,WANG Haihui*,LIU Aoli,et al.Realization Method of Three Dimensional Measurement of Real-Time Target of Binocular Stereo Vision[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2016,38(4):386-393.[doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1674?2869. 2016. 04. 014]





Realization Method of Three Dimensional Measurement of Real-Time Target of Binocular Stereo Vision
1. Î人¹¤³Ì´óѧ¼ÆËã»ú¿ÆѧÓ빤³ÌѧԺ£¬ºþ±± Î人 430205£»2. ÖÇÄÜ»úÆ÷È˺þ±±Ê¡ÖصãʵÑéÊÒ£¨Î人¹¤³Ì´óѧ£©£¬ºþ±± Î人 430205
XIAO Yongqiang1 WANG Haihui12* LIU Aoli1 WANG Ziwei1 ZHANG Liubin1
1. School of Computer Science & Technology, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430205, China£»2. Hubei Key Laboratory of Intelligent Robot £¨Wuhan Institute of Technology£©, Wuhan 430205, China
binocular stereo vision feature point matching 3D distance measurement
10. 3969/j. issn. 1674?2869. 2016. 04. 014
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To improve efficiency of the target-matching, a matching algorithm based on real-time target characteristics of binocular stereo vision, namely absolute window error minimization £¨CAEW£© was presented. Firstly, the camera calibration was realized by the Zhang¡¯s calibration method based on the basic principle of camera, and the final data of binocular stereo calibration was tested by Bouguet algorithm. Then, the target detector was trained by AdaBoost iterative algorithm for better target detection. The evaluated effects of CAEW algorithm was compared with that of the commonly Speeded-up Robust Feature £¨SURF£© algorithm, and the results show that the evaluated effects of CAEW algorithm achieve more than 90%, which is significantly improved, and can meet the requirement of the application of binocular real-time target matching. By comparing with the experimental results of SURF and CAEW algorithm, it demonstrates that the reduction of unnecessary operation can improve the matching speed.


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¸üÐÂÈÕÆÚ/Last Update: 2016-07-29