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 LI Jun bo,CAO Can can,YU Xiang lin*,et al.Oxidative desulfurization of thiophene extracted and catalyzed by acidic ionic liquid in model oil[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2013,(02):32-36.[doi::103969/jissn16742869201302007]





Oxidative desulfurization of thiophene extracted and catalyzed by acidic ionic liquid in model oil
1. 武汉工程大学化工与制药学院,湖北 武汉 430074;2. 长江大学化学与环境工程学院,湖北 荆州 434020
LI Junbo1 CAO Cancan1 YU Xianglin1* HU Qihui1 LIAO Haixing2
1. School of Chemical Engineering and Pharmacy, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430074, China;2. College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Changjiang University, Jinzhou 434020, China
ionic liquid model oil desulfurization
随着环境法的日益完善,燃料油的低硫化成了亟待解决的问题.为达到深度脱除油品中硫化物的目的,提出将离子液体应用于萃取催化氧化脱除油品中噻吩类硫化物.合成了三种酸性的离子液体1甲基3乙基咪唑硫酸氢盐(\[Emim\]HSO4)、1甲基3丁基咪唑硫酸氢盐(\[Bmim\]HSO4)、1甲基3辛基咪唑硫酸氢盐(\[Omim\]HSO4)分别用作萃取剂和催化剂,30%H2O2作为氧化剂,噻吩溶于正辛烷配置成模拟油,用于脱硫实验.考察了反应温度、反应时间、双氧水的加入量等因素对脱硫效果的影响.实验结果表明,脱硫效果的顺序为:\[Omim\]HSO4>\[Bmim\]HSO4>\[Emim\]HSO4.同时在\[Bmim\]HSO4H2O2体系中,脱硫的最佳条件为:剂油质量比为1.0,反应温度85 ℃,反应时间4 h,氧硫比为28,脱硫率可达到97.6%.利用硫酸氢盐类的离子液体脱硫可达深度脱硫的标准.
Along with the more strict demand on environment protection, there was a urgent need to produce low sulfur fuel oil to meet the environmental legislation. With the aim of deep desulfurization of the gasoline, the ionic liquid was applied as extractant and catalyst for oxidative desulfurization of thiophene. Three ionic liquids 1methyl3ethylimidazole hydrogen sulfate(\[Emim\]HSO4),1methyl3buthylimidazole hydrogen sulfate (\[Bmim\]HSO4),1methyl3octylimidazole hydrogen sulfate(\[Omim\]HSO4),were synthesized and applied as extractant and catalyst, 30%H2O2 as oxidant, the thiophene was dissolved in the noctane as model oil for the desulfurization. The effect of reaction temperature and time, hydrogen peroxide quantity on desulfurization were investigated. The results show that the sulfur removal follows the order: \[Omim\]HSO4>\[Bmim\]HSO4>\[Emim\]HSO4. In the \[Bmim\]HSO4H2O2 system, the sulfur removal of thiophene was 97.6% in 4 h under the conditions of mil /moil = 1 and H2O2/Thiophene molar ratio of 28 (O/S=28), at 85 ℃. HSO4ionic liquid can achieve the standard of deep desulfurization.


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收稿日期:20121116基金项目:国家自然科学基金 (20901063); 湖北省自然科学基金(2011CDB221); 湖北省教育厅优秀中青年项目(Q20121509); 绿色化工过程教育部重点实验室开放基金 (GCP200905和GCP201003)作者简介:黎俊波(1979), 男,湖北监利人, 副教授,博士.研究方向:有机和无机功能材料研究.
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-16