|本期目录/Table of Contents|

 WANG Peixiong,BIN Xiaobei,YANG Huan,et al.Characterization of? phosphogypsumbricks and?its optimumly interactive component[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2011,(08):86-89.





Characterization of? phosphogypsumbricks and
?its optimumly interactive component
1.武汉理工大学资源与环境工程学院,湖北 武汉 430070;
2.武汉工程大学国家磷资源开发利用工程技术研究中心,湖北 武汉 430074
WANG Peixiong1BIN Xiaobei1 YANG Huan2 WANG Shengjun2CAO Hong2
1.Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070,China;2. National Engineering and Technology Research
Center for Development & Utilization of Phosphorous Resources, Wuhan 430074,China
phosphogypsum the calculation of exteeme vertex design flexural strength water resistance
磷石膏是磷化工产生的工业废渣,已严重危害生态环境,将其制备成建筑砌块,变废为宝具有重大现实意义.通过极端顶点混料设计方法研究了配比对磷石膏砌块7 d强度的影响,得到最佳配比为:磷石膏/生石灰/粉煤灰/水=47/15/30/8.典型样品的SEM、XRD分析表明,钙矾石和CSH的大量形成并紧密包裹在粉煤灰玻璃球周围是形成强度的关键.
Phosphogypsum(PG), an industrial byproduction,is generated from the production of phosphoric acid by the wet process, and currently, stored in stockpiles in large quantities without any treatment. The storage of PG, containing heavy metals? and presenting a low radioactivity, obviously? will cause severe contamination with the time passing. A number of studies had been conducted on the feasibility of PG used for building blocks, this paper presents another method to achieve the optimum formulation of this binder, which? consisted of 47% PG, 15% calcined lime,30% fly ash and 8% water. The results obtained by the calculation of exteeme vertex design demonstrate that the bricks successfully satisfied the standard requirements for mechanical testing. The analysis of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and quantitative Xray diffraction (XRD) shows that ettringite and calcium sulfate hydrate (CSH), form a dense network structure with the fly ash, and was found in the fly ash calcined lime cements pastes,and that might be the main cause to early strength of mortars.


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